《The Dictionary People: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English Dictionary》PDF 下载

  • 更新时间: 2023-12-02
  • 文件大小: 21.7 MB
  • 关注热度: 1636
资源信息 / Information
Sarah Ogilvie The Oxford English Dictionary is one of mankinds greatest achievements, and yet, curiously, its creators are rarely considered. Who were the people behind this unprecedented book? As Sarah Ogilvie reveals, they include three murderers, a collector of pornography, the daughter of Karl Marx, a president of Yale, a radical suffragette, a vicar who was later found dead in the cupboard of his chapel, an inventor of the first American subway, a female anti-slavery activist in Philadelphia . . . and thousands of others.
它主要讲述了字典里面的words的由来。但并不是从第一版本Oxford English Dictionary 开始的;而是从第三位编辑 Jame Henry Murray,如何编纂字典开始的
要求所有的words,需要包括实际案例,在哪一本书中了解到,以及如何使用的。所有志愿者需要递交或邮寄到 78 Banbury Road, Oxford
其中令我印象深刻的是一个叫 William Chester的,这位志愿者竟然是一个murder and prisoner
chocolate,《The Dictionary People: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English Dictionary》PDF 下载 ePub 下载,avocado,chilli 来自于纳瓦特尔语
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