《Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World》PDF 下载

  • 更新时间: 2024-12-02
  • 文件大小: 20.4 MB
  • 关注热度: 1862
资源信息 / Information
Joshua Paul Dale, a pioneer in the burgeoning field of cuteness studies, explains how the cute aesthetic spread around the globe, from pop brands to Lolita fashion, kids' cartoons and the unstoppable rise of Hello Kitty. Irresistible delves into the surprisingly ancient origins of Japan's kawaii culture, and uncovers the cross-cultural pollination of the globalised world. If adorable things really do rewire our brains, it can help answer some of the biggest questions we have about our evolutionary history and the mysterious origins of animal domestication.
- 动物的模样,竟然真的可以通过驯化,变得更加和善可亲
- 为什么现在的泰迪熊要比以前的,更憨厚,《Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World》PDF 下载 ePub 下载,更可爱呢?
- 大鼻子,大眼睛,圆滚滚的头,短粗胖的四肢,是不是显得很可爱?
- 为什么我们有白眼球而很多其它动物没有呢?
- 日本的可爱文化从何时奇缘,并且对美国动漫行业进行反向输出
- 对可爱感兴趣的人是不是会比其他人更快乐一些呢?
这一切的问题,可以总结为一句话melting hearts through cuteness
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