《It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism》PDF 下载

  • 更新时间: 2024-12-02
  • 文件大小: 11.8 MB
  • 关注热度: 204
资源信息 / Information
Senator Bernie Sanders
Sanders argues that unfettered capitalism is to blame for an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality, is undermining our democracy, and is destroying our planet. How can we accept an economic order that allows three billionaires to control more wealth than the bottom half of our society? How can we accept a political system that allows the super-rich to buy politicians and swing elections? How can we accept an energy system that rewards the fossil fuel corporations causing the climate crisis? Sanders believes that, in the face of these overwhelming challenges, the American people must ask tough questions about the systems that have failed us and demand fundamental economic and political change. This is where the path forward begins.
他在演讲中背诵一些数据:两次竞选总统的候选人加速了美国不平等现象,90%的财富由1%的人所占有。在covid期间,725位美国亿万富翁,他们的财富增加了70%,超过了5万亿美金。黑石,《It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism》PDF 下载 ePub 下载,先锋,道富集团控制了20万亿的资产,并且是96%的标普500的主要股东。
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